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Routing Arbitrary XML Documents Through the > Routing/Mapping
Configuring the Inbound Process Mechanism of the XML Transport
It is possible to use XML Inbound Process to forward arbitrary XML documents to the routing listener by using the Inbound Process mechanism of the XML transport.
For this purpose you can configure a so called inbound routing info service for your XML transport. This service should implement the specification, using the following parameters:
Input Parameters
This key
Must specify...
This field contains the XML document as it would look like after having been processed by pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument. Your service should extract the routing data from your specific documents.
Alternatively, you can provide your document as a node as used in the pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service as an input field.
Return Values
This key
Must specify...
Sender used for finding the matching routing notification.
Receiver used for finding the matching routing notification.
Message type used for finding the matching routing notification.
$tid (optional)
Transaction ID found in the document, if client wants to execute a transaction once and only once.
$action (optional)
One of the following transaction codes:
*1 - Execute (default)
*4 - Confirm