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Setting Up a Routing Notification for the XML Transport
To enable this function, you will first have to setup an RFC Listener for the relevant SAP systems as explained in Configuring an RFC Listener.
*To create a routing notification
1. Open Designer and select New > Adapter Notification. Click Next.
2. Select Adapter for SAP from the list of available adapter types. Click Next.
3. From the list of available templates, select Routing Notification. Click Next.
4. Select the routing listener Click Next.
5. Enter a name and select a folder where the routing notification should be stored.
6. Select any service that should be invoked by this notification. Click Next and then Finish.
The service you selected in step 6 will only be used if the outbound transport that is chosen in your routing notification is "IS". For all other outbound transports, this selection will be overridden by a transport specific service.
7. Select XML in the Transport field to select the XML transport.
8. Select bXML Dialect for the xmlType field.
9. Enter a URL as destination of the XML call. To post the XML to another Adapter for SAP, you can post the message to its BAPI inbound process. For this, you can post it to the URL.
10. Select Yes for the useBapi field.
11. Enter the object name in the objectName field. For example: "CompanyCode".
12. Enter the BAPI method that you want to use in the bapiName field. For example: "GetList".
13. Optionally you can specify a username and password for user authentication on the remote host.
You can select additional options for the XML transport configuration:
*Use text/xml as content type: Flag that allows to overwrite the content-type of bXML, SAP-XML to text/xml, if set to true.The checkbox is disabled for other dialects.
*Use utf-8 as encoding: Flag that allows to force the renderers of bXML, SAP-XML to use the encoding utf-8, if set to true.The checkbox is disabled for other dialects.
*SOAP XRFC can be selected as additional XML dialect. This is equivalent to XRFC (RFC-XML) with a SOAP envelope (higher than SOAP 1.1).