Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Listeners | Configuring an RFC Listener
Configuring an RFC Listener
Adapter for SAP requires an RFC listener to listen for inbound RFC requests from an SAP system. Use the following procedure to create a listener on Adapter for SAP to respond to RFCs issued by the SAP system.
*To create an RFC listener on Adapter for SAP
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Listeners.
3. Select Configure new listener and then select RFC listener from the list of available listener types.
4. Complete the following fields on the Configure Listener Type screen (leave all other fields at their default values):
The package in which to create the listener. You must create the package using Designer before you can specify it using this parameter. For general information about creating packages, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Configure the listener in a user-defined package rather than in the adapter's package. See Package Management for other important considerations when creating packages for Adapter for SAP.
Folder Name
The folder in which to create the listener.
Listener Name
The name of the new listener.
Program ID
The Program ID that you specified when creating the corresponding RFC destination on the SAP system. This field is case sensitive.
Gateway Host
Gateway Host for accessing your SAP system. This must be exactly the same parameter as you chose for the corresponding RFC destination in the SAP system.
Gateway Service
The Gateway Service. This corresponds to your SAP system number. If your SAP system number is "01" then your gateway service is "sapgw01". You can select secured ports beginning from "sapgw00s".
Number of Threads
The number of simultaneous incoming RFCs that this listener can handle.
Repository Server
The outbound connection alias is used as a repository for function interfaces and structure definitions of inbound calls. This way it is possible to use RFCs even if they are not defined in the calling system.
SNC Enabled
Determines whether this server should use SNC. Default: No.
SNC Quality of Service
SNC Quality of service, possible values:
*Use global build-in default settings
*Plain text, but authorization
*Each data packet will be integrity protected
*Each data packet will be privacy protected
*Use maximum available security
SNC Name
Your own SNC name if you do not want to use the default SNC name. This is the name you chose when generating a PSE.
Authorization Service
Called by the RFC listener to check for authorization. To provide application specific authorization handling the user might provide a service here that implements specification This service has to return "Granted" in field "access" if the request should be accepted. If no service is specified access will be granted. If an exception happens during execution of this service or a different string than "Granted" will be returned the access will be denied.
See for information about the service specification.
RFC Trace
Whether you want RFC tracing enabled or disabled. For a production system, select Off. When you select On, Adapter for SAP collects the trace messages in rfc*.trc files in the directory packages/WmSAP/logs. The location can be changed with the "" configuration switch.
For detailed information about logging, see Logging and Monitoring. For information about changing the directory for the trace files, see Adapter Configuration.
Log transaction status
This switch can be set to On or Off.
If set to Off, then the processing logs will not be saved, although a transaction will be created (or maintained), and the transaction can be monitored later on in the transaction list.
Setting this switch to Off reduces the amount of disk space needed and the time it takes to log the transaction status. It still allows you to check the current transaction status on Adapter for SAP.
Store message body
This switch can be set to On or Off.
If set to Off, then the message body of the incoming document will not be stored to disk, although a transaction will be created (or maintained), and the transaction can be monitored later on in the transaction list.
Setting this switch to Off reduces the amount of disk space needed and of course the time it takes to persist the message body. It still allows you to track the message status on Adapter for SAP.
An RFC listener must be able to login to the SAP system automatically when it starts up. Additionally, if there are no metadata yet for called function modules in the cache, there must be a log in option to the Repository System as well. Otherwise, it will fail to start up or return errors when receiving incoming RFCs.
5. Select Save Listener to commit these settings.