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XML Transport
Use this transport to post an SAP IDoc- or RFC-XML to a URL.
Set the transport parameters as follows:
URL to which you want to post the XML message.
Select between the XML dialects SAP-XML, bXML, Values-XML, Arbitrary XML or SOAP XRFC (XRFC with SOAP envelope).
If you select SAP-XML the content type is set to application/x-sap.idoc(respectively.rfc). Therefore the receiving server has to understand this content type. (This can be overridden using the following flag.)
If Arbitrary XML is selected, the transport expects the XML document as string in the variable xmlData.
Flag that allows you to overwrite the content type of bXML, SAP-XML to text/xml, if set to true. The checkbox is disabled for other dialects.
Flag that allows you to force the renderers of bXML, SAP-XML to use the encoding utf-8, if set to true. The checkbox is disabled for other dialects.
Set this flag if you want to use the BAPI XML format. (This field is only active when using the bXML dialect.)
The name of the business object to which the call should be mapped. This value is case-sensitive. (Available only when using the bXML dialect and the BAPI format.)
The name of the BAPI method, to which the call should be mapped. This value is case-sensitive. (Available only when using the bXML dialect and the BAPI format.)
An optional parameter that allows you to specify a username for authentication on the remote Web system.
An optional parameter that allows you to specify a password for authentication on the remote Web system.
When sending an IDoc between two adapters for SAP via XML transport, use http://<hostname>:<port>/invoke/ as URL.
When sending an RFC to a second Adapter for SAP over HTTP, use http://<hostname>:<port>/invoke/ as URL.
When the routing listener receives a message for which it cannot locate a routing notification, it logs the message in its transaction store and throws an Exception.