Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for SAP | Functional Highlights | Maintaining Transaction Status Information | Shared Transaction Store
Shared Transaction Store
The Shared Transaction Store (STS) is a common transaction repository shared by several adapters for SAP that belong logically together. Similar to CTS, the STS is used to store all the processed transactions in a central repository, so that the transaction status information will always be synchronized and valid. It is a more robust configuration without central server so there is no single point of failure. All adapters for SAP that are configured to share a specific STS are considered to be in the same group. You must configure the location of the STS repository with the configuration switch for each Adapter for SAP of your adapter group (and in exactly the same way). For more information, see Considerations about Adapter for SAP Centralized Transaction Store or Shared Transaction Store and Shared Transaction Store