Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for SAP | Functional Highlights
Functional Highlights
Complete SAP System Integration
Integrating SAP Systems Over the Internet
Routing IDocs, RFCs, and BAPIs
Support for IDoc- and RFC-XML
Support of BizTalk XML Envelopes for BAPI and RFC Calls
Support of Unified Error Handling of BAPIs and RFCs on the XML Level
Built-in BAPI Tools
Maintaining Transaction Status Information
*Synchronous and asynchronous communication with SAP systems through RFC, tRFC, qRFC, and bgRFC
*Bi-directional and multithreaded communication to and from SAP systems
*Load balancing of incoming SAP documents.
*Support of publishing to the local webMethods Integration Server, to the Broker, or to JMS for asynchronous adapter notifications
*Support of "publish and wait" and "direct service invocation" execution modes for synchronous adapter notifications
*Higher level services to process SAP IDocs and BAPIs
*Easy XML and Internet enabling of existing SAP releases
*Support of BizTalk XML envelopes for BAPI and RFC calls
*Support of unified error handling of BAPIs and RFCs on XML level