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Testing Publishable Document Types
You can test a publishable document type that is associated with an asynchronous notification in Designer . When you test a publishable document type, you provide input values that Designer uses to create an instance of the publishable document type. You also specify a publishing method (such as publish, publish and wait, deliver, or deliver and wait). Designer then publishes a document and displays the results of the publish in the Results dialog box. Testing a publishable document type provides a way for you to publish a document without building a service that does the actual publishing. If you select a publication action where you wait for a reply document, you can verify whether reply documents are received.
In Designer, prior to running the PublishDocument, first uncheck the Field must exist at run-time field on the msgBody property. To access the field, right-click msgBody, select Properties, and then select the Constraints tab. When you test a publishable document type, Integration Server actually publishes the document locally or to Broker (whichever is specified).
For instructions to test a publishable document type, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release. Also, for a complete description of the envelope parameters located in the WmPublic folder, see the webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference. The envelope parameters define the sender's address, the time the document was sent, password and certificate information, and other useful information for routing and control.