Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Listener Notifications | Configuring Listener Notifications | RFC Listener Notification (Synchronous) | Configuring a Synchronous RFC Listener Notification
Configuring a Synchronous RFC Listener Notification
*To configure a synchronous RFC listener notification
1. In the adapter notification service editor for the notification you just created, select the Adapter Settings tab.
2. In the Adapter Properties area, confirm the adapter name, adapter listener name, and adapter notification template.
3. In the Execution Mode area, do one of the following to specify an execution mode:
*To specify a flow service to invoke directly:
1. Select Service Invoke.
This option invokes a local flow service directly, returns values from the service as non-publishable documents, and is the default.
2. Click the Browse button to navigate to and select a service.
*To publish documents locally or to a Broker and wait for a reply:
1. Select Publish and Wait.
This option publishes the request either to the local Integration Server or to the webMethods Broker connected to that Integration Server and waits for a reply.
2. Select true to publish documents locally (to this Integration Server only) or false to publish to the Broker connected to this Integration Server.
Note that if no Broker is configured for Integration Server, documents will be published locally.
3. Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for a reply. The default is -1, which means to wait indefinitely for a reply.
4. Create a matching Broker/local trigger to process the request document locally or at a remote Integration Server connected to this Integration Server by way of a Broker. Configure the trigger to ensure that the matching reply document is returned to this adapter notification. For more information about this step, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
4. Select the Function Search tab to verify or modify the following.
Function Pattern
All or part of the name of the function module on the SAP system.
Enter a wildcard-like pattern for the function module for which you want create the notification. You can use exact patterns, or patterns with single or multiple wildcard characters.
Group Pattern
All or part of the name of the Function Group on the SAP system.
Enter a wildcard-like pattern for the Function Group for which you want create the notification. You can use exact patterns, or patterns with single or multiple wildcard characters.
Function Name
The resulting function module name matching the provided pattern.
Function Description
The function module description, if it is available for that function module.
Group Name
The group name the function module belongs to.
5. Select Request Field Selection tab to specify which RFC parameters to include in the request document. The request fields are available for mapping steps at design time.
Irrespective of the selection you make at design time, the adapter makes all fields available in the pipeline at run time.
6. In the Use column on the Request Field Selection tab, select the boxes for the required request fields. You can also select all fields by using the icon or unselect all fields by using the icon.
7. Select the Reply Field Selection tab to specify which fields should match the returning message from the notification.
8. In the Use column on the Reply Field Selection tab, select the boxes for the required reply fields. You can also select all fields by using the icon or unselect all fields by using the icon.
9. Select the Additional Settings tab to set the Forward confirm event flag. For more information about the Forward Confirm Event Flag, see Forward Confirm Event Flag.
10. Select the Permissions tab to manage the access control list (ACL) information. Use the drop-down menu to select each of the ACL types. For general information about assigning and managing ACLs, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
11. From the File menu, select Save (or Save All).