Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Built-in Services | Specifications |
To provide application specific authorization handling with SNC enabled RFC servers (listeners), the user might provide a service that implements this specification.
This service will be called by the RFC server (listener) to check for authorization.
This service has to return "Granted" in the "access" field if the request is accepted. If no service is specified access will be granted. If an exception happens during execution of this service or a different string than "Granted" will be returned the access will be denied.
Input Parameters
Function that has been called by a remote client.
Partner (system) name where the request comes from.
Authorization key as binary data depending on the mode.
Mode of the authorization: ("SNC" = Secure Network compliant authorization, "Basic" = Basic authorization). Currently, mode will always be Secure Network compliant authorization ("SNC").
Return Values
Returns "granted" if the request is accepted.