Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Generating Document Types | Generating Document Types for IDocs | Generating a Document Type from a Sample IDoc | Saving a Pipeline Image Capturing the IDoc
Saving a Pipeline Image Capturing the IDoc
*To save a pipeline image capturing the IDoc
1. Open Designer.
2. On the File menu, select New.
3. On the New panel, select Flow Service.
4. On the New Flow Service panel, do the following:
a. In the Folder tree, select the folder into which you want to save the document type.
b. In the Element name field, type a name for the document type using any combination of letters, numbers, and/or the underscore character. (You might want to include the name of the IDoc in the name, for example app:mapOrders02.)
5. Click Finish.
6. Now switch to the empty flow service you just created.
7. Click the icon on the Flow Pane toolbar and select the pub.flow:savePipeline service. If the service does not appear in the list, select Invoke to find it.
The service will copy the contents of the pipeline so that you can retrieve the pipeline at a later stage. Later on the savePipeline step will be deleted from your flow again. Its purpose is simply to capture a copy of the IDoc. It is not a permanent part of your flow.
8. Select the Pipeline tab.
9. Select the $name variable under Service In and click the icon on the toolbar.
10. Type a name for the saved pipeline and select OK.
11. Click the icon to save the flow service.
12. To send your sample IDoc to the service:
*Use the SAGGui or the utility at /WmSAP/submitIDocXML.html
*Send an IDoc over HTTP to the routing listener.
Specify sender, receiver, and msgType as specified for the routing notification that should invoke the app:mapOrders02 service. For more information on how to create a routing notification see Configuring a Routing Notification.
When the routing listener receives the document that you submit, it invokes the flow service you created above, which captures the IDoc by making a copy of the pipeline. In the next step, you will retrieve the saved image of the pipeline.
The pipeline image created by the savePipeline operation is stored in memory and can be recalled by any subsequent service. However, the image is not stored on disk. If the server is restarted, it will no longer be available. You can create a permanent copy by using savePipelineToFile instead.