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Testing the Execution of an RFC-XML
You can invoke a function module with RFC-XML from Adapter for SAP user interface via the Lookup screen. This screen contains an RFC-XML template you can use to invoke function modules. Perform the following procedure to access the Lookup screen and invoke a function module via RFC-XML.
*To invoke a function module via XML from Adapter for SAP
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Lookup.
3. Enter the function module you would like to invoke via XML in the Function Name field of the Function By Name section.
4. Select RFC-XML.
This generates a form containing the XML template necessary to invoke the function module. Fill in the appropriate inputs and select Invoke on System ID. You will see the XML response in the browser (you may have to select View Source to see the actual XML source in your browser).