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Testing the Execution of an RFC
Testing the Execution of an RFC-XML
After you have verified that you can connect to an SAP system, you can use the following procedure to verify that the SAP system accepts and processes an RFC request from Adapter for SAP.
*To test an RFC from Adapter for SAP
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Lookup.
3. From the drop down list in the System ID field, select the system ID of the SAP system that hosts the function module you want to test.
4. In the Function Name field of the Function Search group, enter the name of the function module you want to test. For example, enter RFC_FUNCTION_*. Click Search. Adapter for SAP searches for all RFCs that begin with RFC_FUNCTION_.
5. In the list of matching RFCs that is returned, follow the link of the RFC you want to test. For this example, select RFC_FUNCTION_SEARCH. Adapter for SAP displays the function signature for the selected function module. It lists the imports, exports, and tables comprising this function module.
6. Select Test Function to invoke the function module on the SAP system you selected in step 3 of this procedure.
7. Enter RFC_* in the field FUNCNAME and click Test Functionagain to proceed. After a few moments, a screen displays the number of functions found.
8. Follow the entries link beside this row count to view the functions found.