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Creating a Web Service to Handle the Notification
You create a Web service, which the AR System invokes to notify Integration Server of a change in the AR System.
When AR System invokes the Web service, it passes an XML document that contains information about the change in the AR System. Your Web service should inspect the XML document and take appropriate actions. For example, you might need to update another system in response to the change in the AR System.
Remedy Adapter comes with a sample Web service that you can use to model your own Web service. The sample Web service is wm.adapter.wmremedy.outbound.webService:receiveWSDL_SOAP_RPC.
The sample receiveWSDL_SOAP_RPC service receives an XML document and performs simple processing. The input signature of the receiveWSDL_SOAP_RPC service identifies the set of fields that should be present in the XML document. This means that when the filter for the Web service is configured in the AR System, these required input fields must be mapped in the input mapping of the filter. Additionally, the output signature of the receiveWSDL_SOAP_RPC service contains the set of fields that need to be mapped in the output mapping of the filter. The receiveWSDL_SOAP_RPC service extracts a few fields from the XML document and changes their values. Then the XML document with the updated field values is sent back to the AR System.