Remedy Adapter 7.1 | webMethods Remedy Adapter Documentation | webMethods Remedy Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Configuring Remedy to webMethods Notifications | Setting Up E-mail Notifications | Creating a Service to Handle the Notification
Creating a Service to Handle the Notification
When the Email Listener, which you create in the next step, receives the e-mail message from the AR System, it invokes a service to handle the e-mail message. You create this service to handle and process the received e-mail message.
You create the service to receive the e-mail message that the AR System sends and process the message as you require. Remedy Adapter provides the sample wm.adapter.wmremedy.outbound.emailNotification:receiveEmail service to illustrate how to receive and process an e-mail message. This sample service receives an e-mail message and invokes another sample service, wm.adapter.wmremedy.outbound.emailNotification:readEmailContent, which is a Java service. The readEmailContent service processes the content of the e-mail message by extracting the body of the single e-mail message, as well as the message with an attachment. You can modify this service for your own use.