Remedy Adapter 7.1 | webMethods Remedy Adapter Documentation | webMethods Remedy Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Logging and Exception Handling | Adapter Exception Handling | AdapterException
When an ARException occurs in the AR System, the exception is wrapped in an AdapterException. An AdapterException is for a non-fatal errors where the AR System is still available. For example, an AdapterException would be thrown when an error occurs while trying to create an entry in the AR System. The AR System's error message is logged in the server.log file. The logged error message includes the Remedy message and the reference to the field ID and the field name.
When an AdapterException is thrown, the connection is not dropped. Remedy Adapter only drops connections for fatal errors that result in an AdapterConnectionException. If you determine that there are AR System API call errors for which you want the connection dropped, you can configure Remedy Adapter to identify additional error codes that should be considered fatal. For more information about AdapterConnectionExceptions, see AdapterConnectionException below. For more information about configuring error codes that should be considered fatal, see Configuring Additional Fatal Error Codes.