An AdapterConnectionException is thrown when a fatal error occurs and the AR System becomes unavailable, for example due to a network problem or when the AR System Server is shut down.
Remedy Adapter recognizes a fatal error based on the AR System API call error code. An example of an error that Remedy Adapter considers fatal is error code 90, which indicates that the AR System catalog could not be opened.
When an AdapterConnectionException is thrown, WmART drops the connection from the connection pool and tries to create a new connection. WmART then wraps the exception in and throws it to the Integration Server.
In addition to the API call error codes that
Remedy Adapter considers fatal, you can configure additional error codes that you want
Remedy Adapter to treat as fatal; that is, additional error codes for which you want
Remedy Adapter to drop the connection and throw an AdapterConnectionException. For more information, see
Configuring Additional Fatal Error
Codes below.