Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Logging and Exception Handling | Adapter for JDBC Error Codes
Adapter for JDBC Error Codes
The following table lists Adapter for JDBC's minor codes and provides information on the error message, reason, and possible action for each error.
Error Code
The JDBC DataSource class ClassName cannot be located.
Explanation: A DataSource class name was specified in the adapter Connection Properties DataSource Class field, but the class cannot be located. Either the class does not exist or the name was misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling and make sure the JDBC driver file is in the CLASSPATH or in the packages_directory/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars directory.
The JDBC DataSource class ClassName cannot be instantiated.
Explanation: The instantiation of the JDBC driver's DataSource class failed.
Action: Use a supported JDBC driver.
Cannot set properties for JDBC DataSource class ClassName.
Explanation: Properties cannot be set through the DataSource class because the driver does not support the specified property.
Action: For supported drivers and their settings, see Using JDBC Drivers to Connect to Databases.
The JDBC DataSource class ClassName does not have some of the configured property settings.
Explanation: Some properties specified in the connection's properties are not correct.
Action: For supported drivers and their settings, see Using JDBC Drivers to Connect to Databases.
Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class ClassName.
Explanation: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error log, and check the database error messages.
Action: The connection between the adapter and the database failed.
Cannot retrieve the database metadata MetadataElement.
Explanation: An error occurred when the adapter tried to retrieve database metadata information.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error log, and check the database error messages.
The JDBC DataSource class ClassName is not XADataSource.
Explanation: The DataSource class name you specified in the Connection Properties DataSource Name field is not an XADataSource.
Action: For supported drivers and DataSource class names, see your Adapter for JDBC documentation.
The JDBC DataSource class ClassName does not support LOCAL_TRANSACTION.
Explanation: The LOCAL_TRANSACTION transaction type is not supported by this database.
Action: Use NO_TRANSACTION instead.
Cannot disconnect from the database DataBaseName. The connection between the adapter and database cannot be closed.
Explanation: The connection between the adapter and database cannot be closed.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot create writer with file path FilePathName or JDBC Log.
Explanation: JDBC log file creation failed.
Action: Check that the log file path has the correct watt.adapter.JDBC.JDBCLogFile setting.
Cannot unlock webMethods OEM JDBC driver license.
Explanation: The OEM version of the DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver cannot be unlocked with the key "webMethods".
Action: Check that the driver is the OEM version and that the key is "webMethods".
The adapter does not support Ordered Notification for this database DataBaseName. Please select another service or notification template.
Explanation: Ordered Notifications are not supported on this database.
Action: Use a BasicNotification or StoredProcedure Notification instead of OrderedNotification.
The adapter does not support Automatic Notification for this DataBaseName. Please select another operation template.
Explanation: The Automatic Notification (InsertNotification, UpdateNotification, or DeleteNotification) is not supported for this database.
Action: Use a BasicNotification or StoredProcedure Notification instead of InsertNotification, UpdateNotification, or DeleteNotification.
There must be at least one expression for the SELECT statement.
Explanation: You did not specify any rows using the SELECT tab for the configured service.
Action: Add rows to the SELECT tab.
Select at least one column from the main table.
Explanation: There is no column specified from the table.
Action: Add at least one column of the main table under the SELECT tab.
The database vendor VendorName does not support the database trigger condition.
Explanation: The WHEN trigger condition does not apply to this database.
Action: Do not use the WHEN tab with the notification.
The connection is not available for NotificationCallbackName.
Explanation: There is no connection available in the connection pool.
Action: Check the adapter connection and contact your administrator to increase the number of connections.
Cannot commit the transaction to the database DataBaseName.
Explanation: The transaction commit failed.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot set data for the input field InputFieldName.
Explanation: The input field value is not numeric.
Action: Change to a numeric input value.
Cannot execute the SQL statement SQLStatement. SQL statements failed to execute.
Explanation: An error occurs while executing AS 400 command.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot get the list of catalogs.
Explanation: Catalog information for the database cannot be retrieved.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot get the list of table columns.
Explanation: Column information for the database object cannot be retrieved.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot get the list of stored procedures.
Explanation: Stored procedure information for the database cannot be retrieved.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot get the list of schemas.
Explanation: Schema information for the database cannot be retrieved.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
Cannot get the list of tables.
Explanation: Table information for the database cannot be retrieved.
Action: Check the SQL exception in the Integration Server error logs and database error messages for details.
This database does not support stored procedure calls using JDBC stored procedure escape syntax.
Explanation: Stored procedure calls are not supported by this database.
Action: Do not use stored procedure services.
This notification is not ready to be enabled.
Explanation: Configuration of the notification is not complete.
Action: For complete instructions for configuring notifications, see Adapter Notifications.
The String for the input field InputFieldName does not contain a parsable number.
Explanation: The input String value is not numeric.
Action: Change to a numeric input String value.
You must have the Record ID column listed under the SELECT tab.
Explanation: You did not configure the Record ID column.
Action: Add the Record ID column using the SELECT tab for the Basic Notification.
A notification procedure can only have a single result set.
Explanation: You configured more than one result set for the Stored Procedure Notification.
Action: Rewrite the stored procedure and configure only one result set.
A notification procedure can only have a single Oracle REF Cursor.
Explanation: You configured more than one Oracle REF Cursor for the Stored Procedure Notification.
Action: Rewrite the stored procedure and configure only one Oracle REF Cursor.
If you choose Only Once Notification, you must also check the Delete Selected Records box to avoid duplicate document warning messages.
Explanation: The Delete Selected Records box is not checked.
Action: Check the Delete Selected Records box.
The notification should not be configured on a connection with TransactionType.
Explanation: Notification is configured with connection of transaction type other than LOCAL_TRANSACTION.
Action: Reconfigure the notification using LOCAL_TRANSACTION.
The data mapping for field FieldName is not supported.
Explanation: The data mapping is not correct.
Action: For a list of supported data type mappings, see JDBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mappings.
The number of Base Name characters used in Notification Configure tab must not exceed MaximumCharacterLength.
Explanation: The Base Name is too long.
Action: Refer to the message itself and shorten the Base Name using the Notification Configure tab.
Cannot execute AS/400 command CommandName. The AS/400 environment may not be correct.
Explanation: An error occurs while executing AS 400 command.
Action: Check the command and error message. For more details see the error logs.
Cannot create file on AS/400.
Explanation: An error occurs when the adapter creates the file on the AS/400 system.
Action: Check the file name and AS/400 file system.
Cannot create trigger on AS/400.
Explanation: An error occurs when the adapter creates a trigger on the AS/400 system.
Action: Check whether there is already a trigger with this name. Also check whether the user has rights to create the trigger.
Cannot drop trigger on AS/400.
Explanation: Errors occur when the adapter drops a trigger from the AS/400 system.
Action: Check whether the trigger exists.
BaseName is not a valid name. For the notification on AS/400, the name of the source table, buffer table and trigger should not exceed 10 characters.
Explanation: The names are longer than 10 characters.
Action: Change the base name so that the names of buffer table and trigger are 10 characters or less.