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Stored Procedure Notifications Transaction Processing
The following diagram and steps illustrate what happens when a Stored Procedure Notification is invoked.
A Stored Procedure Notification uses a stored procedure you created in the database to monitor an operation that happens to a database table, such as an insert, update, or delete operation.
When the Stored Procedure Notification calls the stored procedure, it stores any output in the notification's publishable documents.
The notification gets a connection from the service's connection pool.
Adapter connections contain connection information for the database, including JDBC driver parameters.
The notification uses the JDBC driver to connect to the database.
You created and enabled the adapter connection earlier using Integration Server Administrator.
Integration Server calls the stored procedure.
The notification retrieves each row of data from the stored procedure.
Each row of data is published using the notification's publishable document. Depending on the stored procedure, the Stored Procedure Notification's publishable documents can contain any of the following:
*Output parameters: if the called stored procedure has any output parameters, they are contained in any publishable documents for the Stored Procedure Notification.
*Return values: if the called stored procedure returns any values, then a return value is contained in a publishable document for the Stored Procedure Notification.
*Single result set (or Oracle REF CURSOR): Stored Procedure Notifications can support one result set. The result set can contain nested cursors. If a call to the stored procedure produces a result set, then the single result set is contained in one or more publishable documents for the Stored Procedure Notification. In some cases, a call to a Stored Procedure Notification can produce a single result set that contains multiple records. In this case, each record will have a separate publishable document, containing one row and one or more columns, that is returned to the adapter.
When using the result set that contains nested cursors, the performance of Adapter for JDBC could degrade. Since the nested cursors are recursively processed, Adapter for JDBC may also return data that may not be required.
For more details about the Integration Server publishable documents, see the Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide for your release.
Using an Integration Server trigger you configured to use the notification's publishable document, a flow or Java service on Integration Server is invoked to react to the data changes contained in the publishable document.