Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Adapter Notifications | Notification Types | Insert, Update, and Delete Notifications Transaction Processing
Insert, Update, and Delete Notifications Transaction Processing
The following diagram illustrates what happens when these types of notifications are invoked. Integration Server continues to invoke the notification periodically, as defined when you configured the schedule parameters for polling the notification.
Insert Notifications, Update Notifications, and Delete Notifications monitor an operation that happens to a database table, such as an insert, update, or delete operation. You specified the source table to monitor at the time you configured the adapter.
The notification gets a connection from the service's connection pool.
Adapter connections contain connection information for the database, including JDBC driver parameters.
The notification uses the JDBC driver to connect to the database.
You created and enabled the adapter connection earlier using Integration Server Administrator.
The notification retrieves the rows of data from the buffer table.
The buffer table holds the data selected by the trigger. While the adapter notification remains enabled, the trigger continues to monitor the database table and insert data into the buffer table.
The notification creates the publishable document, which contains a row of data from the buffer table. The notification publishes the publishable document.
For more details about the Integration Server publishable documents, see the Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide for your release.
Using an Integration Server trigger you configured to use the notification's publishable document, a flow or Java service on Integration Server is invoked to react to the data changes contained in the publishable document.
After the data is published, the data is removed from the buffer table.