Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Polling Notifications | Polling Notification Classes
Polling Notification Classes
You create an adapter service by extending the base class WmPollingNotification.The following diagram shows the classes provided by the ADK to support polling notifications, and the WmPollingNotification implementation class SampleNotification.
Polling notification classes
In your WmPollingNotification implementation class, implement the following methods:
This method serves the same purpose as the WmAdapterService method of the same name. That is, it serves to modify how metadata parameters are handled during data entry. Failing to override fillWmTemplateDescriptor results in a run-time error. For more information, see The WmTemplateDescriptor Interface.
Provides the run-time entry point for the notification (see Defining a WmPollingNotification Implementation Class).
Various accessor methods
Optional. Provided to define metadata parameters. Metadata parameters for polling notifications work exactly the same way they do in adapter services.
Callback override methods
Optional. The implementation may override any or all of the callback methods defined in WmNotification. For more information, see Polling Notification Callbacks.
Returns the current version of the metadata.
Override this method if the template has multiple metadata versions.
Uses metadata version as input and returns an array of the fields that are not applicable to the metadata version provided.
Override this method if the template has multiple metadata versions. Failing to override fieldsToIgnoreInMetadataDefinition results in breaking old services.