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Polling Notification Callbacks
The WmNotification base class defines a set of callback methods that you can override in any notification implementation class. The following table describes when these methods are called, and the impact of an exception thrown from the method. For complete details, see the Javadoc for the WmNotification class.
This callback ...
Is called when ...
Exception effect
Any attempt is made to delete or rename the notification node.
Error logged, node will not be deleted/renamed.
The node status is changed to disabled.
Error logged but node is still disabled.
The node status is changed from disabled to enabled.
Error logged, node status remains disabled.
The node is created, the package is enabled, and so on.
Error logged.
The node status is changed from suspended to enabled.
Error logged, node remains suspended.
The node is disabled or suspended, the server is shutdown, the package is disabled, and so on.
Error logged.
The node is enabled or resumed, the server starts, and so on.
Error logged, node is disabled.
The node state is changed from enabled to suspended.
Error logged.
The node is modified (not called when node is created).
Error logged, updates are discarded.
In all cases, an AdapterException will cause the associated connection to be destroyed and removed from the pool.