Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview | What is the Adapter Development Kit?
What is the Adapter Development Kit?
The Adapter Development Kit (ADK) is a set of public Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that you can extend to create custom adapters that interact with webMethods Integration Server. The ADK abstracts adapters from Integration Server, thus ensuring that ADK-created adapters will continue to run with future versions of Integration Server.
Like any Integration Server-based adapter, your adapter will link your back-end system with heterogeneous systems outside your organization via Integration Server, regardless of the technology at either end, and without requiring changes to the existing security infrastructure. An adapter that you create is secure and scalable because it is an add-on, system-level software component that you plug into an Integration Server. Adapters use the Integration Server application services to connect to back-end systems.
The ADK provides:
*An architecture for creating adapters based on JCA.
This architecture supports the JCA Common Client Interface (CCI) and extends it to provide additional functionality. It includes a standard set of system-level contracts between an Integration Server and the back-end system to which the adapter connects. These contracts handle aspects of integration such as connections, adapter services, notifications, and system message logging.
*An example adapter package named WmSampleAdapter.
You can use this adapter as a model for developing your own adapters. This adapter enables you to exchange data with a simulated adapter resource provided with the example adapter. You will configure this adapter to perform a banking application. All of the underlying SampleAdapter class files are located in the Integration Server_directory \ packages\WmSampleAdapter directory. The section Overview describes how the Sample Adapter was developed, and how you can configure and run it.
*A set of auxiliary Java services that you can use to replicate namespace nodes programatically and change the nodes' metadata appropriately when deploying an adapter to a different Integration Server.
*Online API Reference Javadoc files that provide detailed descriptions and usage information about all public APIs provided in the WmART package.
The WmART package contains the components of the adapter run time as well as the ADK classes you extend to create the adapter implementation. The Javadoc files are located in the Integration Server_directory \doc\api\adk directory.
To create an adapter, you will need access to webMethods Integration Server (IS), Software AG Designer, a Java 1.3.1 compiler, and any Java editor.