Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Overview
The ADK provides an example adapter package named WmSampleAdapter. You can use this adapter as a model for developing your own adapters. This adapter enables you to exchange data with a simulated back-end resource provided with the ADK, named Sample Server. You will configure this adapter to perform a banking application. All of the underlying Sample Adapter class files are located in the Integration Server_directory \packages\WmSampleAdapter directory. This appendix describes how the Sample Adapter was developed, and how you can configure and run it. The adapter is provided in five phases. Each phase is a standalone adapter, delivered in its own source files; you can build, configure, and run each phase separately. Each phase includes new functionality such that the first phase consists of just the basic framework of the adapter, and the final phase is the fully functional adapter. These phases are as follows:
*Phase 1: Creating the adapter definition.
An adapter definition is recognized as an adapter by webMethods Integration Server, but it lacks functionality. In the next four phases of development, the adapter includes new functionality including an adapter connection, an adapter service template, a polling notification template, and a listener notification template.
*Phase 2: Adding a connection that connects clients to the Sample Server.
*Phase 3: Adding adapter services.
You will create adapter services that perform operations such as depositing, clearing, and bouncing checks, withdrawing and transferring funds, and other operations, as described in Banking Functions.
*Phase 4: Adding polling notifications.
You will configure polling notification nodes that query the Sample Server and publish documents when the following events occur:
*Using the Clear Check service or the Bounce Check service clears (approves) or bounces (disapproves) a deposited check.
*Using the Withdraw service or the Transfer service causes a negative account balance.
*Phase 5: Adding listener notifications.
This phase represents the adapter with all its functionality. You will configure a listener to monitor the Sample Server for "alerts" generated by the Sample Server. An alert is a Sample Server mechanism that informs the adapter that an event has occurred. You will configure the listener notification nodes to publish notification documents when the Sample Server generates the following alerts:
*The Deposit service successfully deposits a check. (You can then invoke the Clear Check service or the Bounce Check service to approve or disapprove the check.)
*The Withdraw service or the Transfer service causes a negative account balance.