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Field Maps
Field Maps with Resource Domain Dependencies
As mentioned in The WmDescriptor Interface, you can use the createGroup method to organize parameters into different tabs, and to specify the order in which they appear. Similarly, you can use the createFieldMap method to organize various sequence parameters (within the same group) into a single table widget in the Adapter Service Editor.
The full signature for createFieldMap is:
void createFieldMap(String[] members,
boolean variable,
boolean fillAll);
A list of the parameter names that make up the field map.
A field map may contain one or more member parameters, but a parameter should not be a member of more than one field map. The members argument is not an ordered list, and it has no impact on the order in which columns appear in a field map. The order of the columns in a field map is dictated entirely by the order in which the parameters appear in the group. The first member to appear in the group list will appear in the first column of the field map, and the remaining columns will follow in the order in which they appear in the group. If there is more than one field map in a group, then the relative positions of the first column parameters in the group will dictate the order in which the field map tables are displayed. Using parameters from different groups in a field map results in an exception.
The value true permits adapter users to add rows to the table.
In this case, the field map is considered to be a variable field map because the number of fields that appear in the Adapter Service Editor may vary.
By default, each time an adapter user adds a row to the field map, each column is populated based on the associated parameter's data type and the contents of the associated resource domain. Typically, the column will contain a drop-down list of string values from the resource domain. In other cases, either a check box appears (for Boolean parameters) or the column is empty.
The value true fills the table with all available data.
If the fillAll argument is true and the variable argument is false, then the table is expanded to contain one row for each value provided for the parameter in the first column of the field map. The values for this first column are provided by the associated resource domain, and cannot be changed or manipulated by the user. This is true even when the associated resource domain's setComplete method is false; the adapter user may not directly update this column. (The adapter user may still make changes to other parameters that might impact the content of the resource domain of the first column's parameter; see Parameter Dependencies.) The remaining columns will contain the same value and user interface widget that would be employed if the user manually inserted the row. If fillAll is false, then rows must be added by the user.
If variable is false, then fillAll is assumed to be true, regardless of the value passed in the argument.
Do not set both fillAll and variable to true; the resulting behavior might be unpredictable.