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Parameter Dependencies
Dependencies are important to dynamic resource domain lookups. When an adapter user changes the value of a parameter in the dependency list, a lookup retrieves a new set of resource domain values.
For example, for the parameters named columns and tables, you might assign the columns parameter to a resource domain called columnsLookup, with a dependency on the tables parameter as follows:
d.setResourceDomain("columns", "columnsLookup", new String[] {"tables"});
When the tables parameter changes, WmManagedConnection.adapterResourceDomainLookup determines the new value or values that will be applied to the columns parameter (as described in Resource Domain Lookups). Depending on the properties of a resource domain, the lookup may be used to set the value of a parameter, or to provide a list of possibilities from which the adapter user may select a value.
Variant forms of setResourceDomain, including the concept of useColumns, are described in The useParam Argument of setResourceDomain.