Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | The Metadata Model for Adapter Services | Resource Domains | Associating Metadata Parameters with Resource Domains
Associating Metadata Parameters with Resource Domains
The WmTemplateDescriptor interface provides setResourceDomain methods that you use to assign the metadata parameters of an adapter service to a resource domain supported by the service's connection.
The primary form of this method is:
void setResourceDomain(String name,
String resourceDomainName,
String[] dependencies)
The name of the parameter being assigned (parameter names are described in webMethods Metadata Parameters).
A name that matches the name registered in the connection, as described in Registering Resource Domains.
A list of any other metadata parameter names in the current adapter service upon which the value of the parameter in the first argument depends (see Parameter Dependencies).