Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | The Adapter Definition | Creating a WmAdapter Implementation Class | Describing the Adapter's Resources to Integration Server
Describing the Adapter's Resources to Integration Server
The adapter resources that you must describe to Integration Server include:
*All connection factories and notification templates that the adapter supports.
You set the names of all connection factory and notification implementation classes in an AdapterTypeInfo object in your adapter's implementation of the fillAdapterTypeInfo method. Set these names later, when you implement the connections and notifications, as described in:
* Updating AdapterTypeInfo.
* Defining a WmPollingNotification Implementation Class.
* Listener Implementation.
*The default resource bundle implementation class.
You deliver the name of your ListResourceBundle implementation class in the getAdapterResourceBundleName method. For information about resource bundles, see Creating Resource Bundles.
For examples of these methods, see Example WmAdapter Implementation Class.
When specifying any resource, you must use the fully qualified name of the resource's associated implementation class (rather than an object instance).