Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Listener Notifications | Listener Implementation
Listener Implementation
Defining a WmConnectedListener Implementation Class
Updating the fillAdapterTypeInfo Method
Updating the Resource Bundle
Specifying Configuration Metadata
Implementing Run-Time Code
The example listener implementation provided in this section shows the basic mechanics of a simple listener that can be used to monitor activity on an Integration Server log file. The example listener notification parses a session log entry and produces asynchronous notifications.
The tasks for implementing a listener are as follows:
* Defining a WmConnectedListener Implementation Class.
* Updating the fillAdapterTypeInfo Method.
* Updating the Resource Bundle.
* Specifying Configuration Metadata.
* Implementing Run-Time Code.
* Configuring and Testing Listener Nodes and Listener Notification Nodes.