ActiveTransfer Server 10.5 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Welcome to webMethods ActiveTransfer (new user interface) | Managing Actions | Adding a Post-Processing Action
Adding a Post-Processing Action
You can define a post-processing action for execution when a user uploads, downloads, or deletes a file.
*To add a post-processing action
1. On the navigation pane, select Actions> Post-Processing.
2. On the Post-Processing actions page, you can do one of the following:
*If you want to create a new action, click .
*If you want to create a new action that is similar to the one that already exists, select an existing action, and click .
3. To define the conditions that trigger the action, specify the following details:
Action name
Type a unique name for the post-processing action.
Type a brief description for the post-processing action.
Click the toggle button to activate () or deactivate () the action.
Criteria : Click . In the Criteria dialog box, configure the following criteria based on which ActiveTransfer Server will execute tasks, and click Ok.
Execute the tasks below when a user [] files
Select the file operation from the list.
If you specify an action based on the deletion of a file, make sure that any subsequent tasks you define for the action do not rely on the presence of the deleted file.
Virtual folder
To specify any folder or a particular folder, select Any folder or Specific folder respectively.
For Specific folder, type a specific folder name in the box. You can use wildcard characters in the folder name box (for example, *baseName). By default, ActiveTransfer Server considers file activity in any folder structure when evaluating action criteria.
File transfer status
To specify a file transfer status, select Success or Failure, Success, or Failure.
Task execution by
To enable ActiveTransfer Server to execute the action for file operations performed by particular users, groups, or roles, select Any user, role, group or Specific users, roles, groups and click , select the users, groups, or roles, and click OK.
Execute tasks
To specify whether to execute the tasks immediately, after the user exits all sessions, or after the user is idle for few seconds, select Immediately, After the user exists all sessions, or After the user is idle for and type the number of seconds to wait before executing the action in the box.
Select one or more of the following tasks, and define configurations for each of the tasks in the Properties section accordingly:
*File operations
For descriptions of fields for task configurations, see Task Configuration Definitions.
Click to disable a task. Click to enable a task. By default, a task is enabled when created.
Parallel processing
Enable parallel processing
Select this option if you want to enable parallel processing of files in multiple threads.
Start parallel processing for files after
Select the task after which ActiveTransfer must start parallel processing of files in multiple threads from the list. ActiveTransfer first executes the task you select here, and any other tasks before it, sequentially.
Maximum numer of parallel processes
Type the maximum number (between one and 999) of parallel threads that ActiveTransfer can create to simultaneously process files.
4. Click Add.
The new post-processing action appears in the post-processing actions list.