ActiveTransfer Server 10.5 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Welcome to webMethods ActiveTransfer (new user interface) | Managing Actions | Task Configuration Definitions | Find Task Configuration
Find Task Configuration
You can configure the following properties for the Find file operation task:
Task name
Type a unique name for the task.
Source location
Select one of the following options to configure the location where the file will be searched for:
*Local file path, if the destination location is on your local machine, type or browse to the location. To specify a file URL for a shared location, use the FILE:////host/SharedFolder/ syntax. Make sure that the OS user running the ActiveTransfer Server instance has full access to the shared location.
*Remote path, if the destination location is on a remote server or network, select a protocol (transport mechanism) from the list, and type or browse to the file path location. For example, protocol://<host>:<port>/DestinationFolder/.
If you want to find and copy files from remote, third-party HTTP(S) servers, ensure that the you provide appropriate file path here. Deselect ActiveTransfer HTTP(S) Server box for third-party HTTP(S) servers and specify the File Name Identification to locate the file name either from the URL or a specific file name.
*Type the User name and Password for the remote server.
*Select Use proxy if you want to route file transfers to remote servers through a proxy server, and select one of the following options:
*Global proxy settings, if you want ActiveTransfer to use the default proxy server alias set up in Integration Server or ActiveTransfer.
*Select proxy alias, if you want to use a specific proxy server alias for the folder. Then, select the appropriate proxy server alias to use from the available list.
*Click Test Connection to check the connection to the remote server with or without a proxy server.
If you want to connect to a remote server using a secure protocol (FTPES, FTPS, HTTPS or SFTP) and want to configure authentication using secure key exchange, create a folder for the remote server and configure the Keystore, Keystore password, and Key password parameters. You can then use the folder that you configured in the Virtual folder option of the Source location in the task.
*Virtual folder: To specify a virtual folder, type or browse to the location of the folder. If you want to point to a subfolder within the folder, append the URL in the box with the details of the subfolder.
The virtual folder that you select should be configured on the same ActiveTransfer Server instance on which the action is configured.
Any file name
Select this option if you want find files with any name.
Specific file name
Select this option if you want to filter files with specific names (for example, *.xml) and type the file name in the text box. This option is disabled if you select Any file name.
Execute error task
Select this option to execute an error task if the file operation fails. For more details, see Error Task Configuration.
Exclude folders
Select this option if you want ActiveTransfer to ignore folders and their contents in the find task.
Folder depth
Specify the folder depth if you want to include subfolders in the search criteria for the find task. The default value is 1 which restricts the search to the root folder.
Maximum items to find
Specify the number of records to restrict in the find task results. The default is 0 which includes all the records that match the search criteria for the find task.
Last file modification
Specify one of the following time period in which the file was last modified to narrow the search:
*before, if you want to specify the time before which files were modified.
*within, if you want to specify the time (including the current date) within which files were modified.
You must specify at least one time criteria if you select a time variable.
In the Days, Hours, Minutes boxes respectively, type the days, hours, and minutes at which to apply the selected time variable.
For example, let us assume that you have specified the time variable as Before, with 2 days and 6 hours as the time variable. When ActiveTransfer executes the find task on 30 April, it searches for all files that were modified before 4 p.m. on 27 April. If you change the time variable to Within, when ActiveTransfer executes the find task at 12 pm on 30 April, it searches for files that were modified between 28 April and 30 April 4 a.m.
Fail if no files are found
Select this option if you want the find operation to fail if no files are found.
File stability and scanning
Scan for files and check for stability
Select one of the following options:
*Exclude file after first scan, if you want the find operation to scan and check only once.
*Scan file multiple times, if you want the file operation to check at regular intervals. Type the seconds and minutes.
Retry [ ] times at an interval of [ ] seconds
If you want ActiveTransfer to retry a failed find task. Type the number of retries and the retry interval in seconds.
Assign partner
Select this option if you want to assign a partner for the action and do one of the following:
*Select the partner to assign from the list of configured partners in ActiveTransfer.
*Type a parameterized value for the partner in the following format: [partner_name], where [partner_name] is a server variable or an action parameter that contains the actual partner name during the execution of an action.
For virtual folders, use this option only if you want to override the partners configured for the folders.
Sort files
Select this option to enable ActiveTransfer to search for files in a particular order. You can sort files based on last modified date, file size, and file name under Sort field, and ascending or descending order under Sort order.
If you configure Maximum items to find with a specific value (for example, 4) and select this option, then ActiveTransfer reads every file within the folder and finds files based on the Sort files criteria. This might result in a decrease in the performance of the Find task.
A find task retrieves a list of files from a specified location. The files listed by a find task are passed on to the subsequent task for processing. If there are multiple find tasks for an action, the files found by each “find” task are added to the list passed on to it from the previous task.
For example, consider the following sequence of tasks and the ActiveTransfer behavior for each task:
Sequence Number
What does ActiveTransfer do?
Finds files in the given source location A. Let us call these files list 1.
Executes the Integration Service on file list 1.
Finds files in the given source location B. Let us call these files list 2.
Executes the Integration Server service on both list 1 and list 2 files.
Encrypts the files in list 1 and list 2.