ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Working with Services in ActiveTransfer | Asset Document Types | Overview | VFS Document Types | wm.mft.assets.rec.vfs:VfsUser
Document type that contains the details of a user associated with the virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.
String Internal identifier for the user associated with a ActiveTransfer Server virtual folder.
String (Optional) Specifies the total amount of space, in megabytes to make available for file transfers in a specific virtual folder for the user identified by userId.
String Specifies if the user should inherit access privileges from the parent folder or not.
*false - (default) Do not inherit the user access privileges from the parent folder.
*true - Inherit the user access privileges set in the parent folder.
If this variable is set to true, ActiveTransfer Server will not consider any of the user access permissions explicitly set for the folder.
String Specifies if the user has only folder traversal permission for a folder. Folder traversal permission lets the user navigate from the root folder to the subfolder to which the user has access privileges explicitly assigned.
*false (default)
The value provided for this variable is ignored if inheritPermssions is true.
Document (Optional) Specifies the user access privileges for the user identified by userId in the ActiveTransfer Server virtual folder. Variables are:
Set the variables to true based on the access privileges assigned to the user in a virtual folder.
The access privileges set using this variable are ignored if inheritPermssions is true or traverseFolder is true.