ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Working with Services in ActiveTransfer | Asset Document Types | Overview | VFS Document Types
VFS Document Types
ActiveTransfer Server provides document types which are referred to in the VFS services. The following table lists the VFS document types:
Document Type
Document type that is used to set the passive FTP mode in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the path in the local file system for a virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the path in the remote file system for a virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the SFTP settings for a virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the SSL settings for the virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server. This document type applies to the FTPES, FTPS, and HTTPS file transfer protocols.
Document type that contains the details of a virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the complete structure of a virtual folder created in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document type that contains the details of a user associated with the virtual folder in ActiveTransfer Server.