ActiveTransfer Server 10.11 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Virtual Folders in a Virtual File System | Filtering the Virtual Folder List
Filtering the Virtual Folder List
You can filter the virtual folders that are displayed in the virtual folder list. You can view all virtual folders, the virtual folders of a trading partner, or the virtual folders of your enterprise.
*To filter the virtual folder list
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > Managed File Transfer > Virtual Folder Management.
2. Select the server instance. For details, see Selecting the Instance to Work With.
3. Click Filters at the top of the page to show the filter options.
4. If you want to display all virtual folders, select All Folders.
5. If you want to display only the virtual folders for a specific partner or for your enterprise, do the following:
a. Select Folders of the Partner or Your Enterprise.
b. Click the box beneath the option.
c. Select a partner name or enterprise name.
6. Click Apply.