ActiveTransfer Server 10.11 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server
Administering ActiveTransfer Server
Introduction to Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer
Understanding ActiveTransfer
Configuring webMethods ActiveTransfer
Granting Access to ActiveTransfer Pages in My webMethods
Preparing to Manage and Monitor ActiveTransfer Server in My webMethods
Managing ActiveTransfer Server
Working with Templates
Managing Users, User Groups, and User Roles
Managing Virtual Folders in a Virtual File System
Managing Events
Monitoring ActiveTransfer
Managing and Viewing Log Information
Partitioning the Database
Migrating Assets
Removing User Data from ActiveTransfer
Administering ActiveTransfer with Command Central
Welcome to webMethods ActiveTransfer (new user interface)
Server Configuration Parameters and Variables
Calendar and Processing Options for Scheduled Events
Working with Jump Conditions
ActiveTransfer Access Points