ActiveTransfer Server 10.11 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Users, User Groups, and User Roles | Specifying Restrictions for a User | Specifying File Name Filters
Specifying File Name Filters
You can restrict particular actions for files that match a specified pattern. For example, you can restrict a user from uploading files that end with “exe”. You can also restrict access to subfolders in the virtual file system that match a specified pattern.
*To specify file name filters
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > Managed File Transfer > User Management > Users.
2. Select the server instance. For details, see Selecting the Instance to Work With.
3. Select the user from the list of users.
4. Click the Restrictions tab.
The remaining steps in this procedure pertain to the File Name Filters section.
5. If you want to restrict particular actions for certain files, do the following in the Patterns area of the section:
a. Click the button.
b. From the Command list, select a command (Rename, List, Download, or Upload).
c. From the Filter Type list, select a filter type (Starts with, Contains, or Ends with).
d. In the File Name box, type the portion of the file name that the Filter Type criterion should evaluate (for example, “exe”).
Any characters except wildcard characters or regular expressions are permitted. ActiveTransfer Server treats those characters as part of the file name.
e. Add more file name filters as necessary by clicking .
6. If you want to restrict a user’s access to specific folders in the virtual file system, do the following in the Block Paths Matching These Patterns area of the section:
a. Click the button.
b. Type the virtual file system path you want to block in the new row.
You can use simple pattern matching by preceding the pattern with the tilde (~) character. For example, to deny user access to the folder /system/bin, you would type: ~/system/bin/*
c. Add more block paths as necessary by clicking .
7. The icon to the left of each box in this section indicates a property that is inherited from the template associated with this user. If you override a template value and you want to reset it to the default value specified by the template, click the Reset inheritance button to the left of the box.
8. Click Save.