ActiveTransfer Server 10.11 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing ActiveTransfer Server | Specifying Encryption Settings | Managing SSL Ciphers
Managing SSL Ciphers
Ciphers are algorithms that are used to encrypt or decrypt data. You can specify the SSL ciphers that ActiveTransfer will apply to all the SSL ports associated with a server instance.
*To manage SSL ciphers
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > Managed File Transfer > Server Management.
2. Select the server instance. For details, see Selecting the Instance to Work With.
3. Click the Encryption tab.
4. In the SSL section, click the button in the Manage Ciphers list.
5. In the Add Ciphers dialog box, select the cipher(s) you want to use and click OK.
6. To list the ciphers in a particular order, select a cipher and do one of the following:
Select the Prefer cipher list order on server option to force the order of the ciphers as listed on the server.
*Click to move the cipher up.
*Click to move the cipher down.
7. Click Save.
If you reorder the ciphers for an SSL port, then restart that respective SSL port or all the SSL ports for the change to take effect across all the SSL ports.