Business Analytics Administration : Integrated MashZone Server Configuration and Administration : Tune Memory/Caching for the Integrated MashZone Server : Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration Manually
Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration Manually
To manually update memory and cache configuration
1. Update Java Heap Settings
2. Update Cache Memory Settings
3. Update MashZone ThreadSize Properties.
4. Then restart the Business Analytics Server to apply this change. See Start and Stop the Business Analytics Server for instructions.
Update Java Heap Settings
To update the size of the Java Heap
1. In a text editor of your choice, open the setenv.bat or file, based on your operating system, in the MashZoneNG-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/ folder.
2. At a minimum, update the -Xmx value to tune the maximum size of heap. See the preset suggestions in Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration as starting points and Memory Configuration for the Business Analytics Server for suggestions for Business Analytics.
3. Save your changes.
To update the size of the Java Heap when Business Analytics has been configured as a Windows service
If Business Analytics starts as a service via mashzonenextgen-service.bat, then the settings in the setenv.bat file are ignored. You have to manually set the Java Heap sizes in the script file.
1. In a text editor of your choice, open the mashzonenextgen-service.bat file, based on your operating system, in the MashZoneNG-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/ folder.
2. At a minimum, update the -JvmMx value to tune the maximum size of heap. See the preset suggestions in Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration as starting points and Memory Configuration for the Business Analytics Server for suggestions for Business Analytics.
3. Save your changes.
Update Cache Memory Settings
1. In the text editor of your choice, open the ehcache.xml file in the web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/classes folder.
2. Update the maxBytesLocalHeap value on the <cache> elements with the following names:
See the preset suggestions in Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration as starting points.
3. Save your changes
Update MashZone ThreadSize Properties
1. In the text editor of your choice, open the file in the web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF folder.
2. Update the following properties:
See the preset suggestions in Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration as starting points.
3. Save your changes
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