Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration
This uses a simple script to automatically update memory and cache configuration based on preset sizes. These preset values, however, do not take any memory requirements for Business Analytics or Business Analytics In-Memory Stores into account and thus may not be suitable in some circumstances.
1. Determine which present configuration you want to use.
Preset memory configuration is defined by three sizes: s = small, m = medium and l = large. These presets are configured based on the following assumptions:
Preset Option | Heap | Core Threadsize | Maximum Threadsize | Internal Caches |
S: a small application on a host with: 64 bit 2 Cores 4G of memory | 1G | 4 | 4 | Base = 125M Top = 100M Debug =25M |
M: a medium application on a host with: 64 bit 4 Cores 16G of memory | 8G | 8 | 12 | Base = 1G Top = 800M Debug =200M |
L: a large application on a host with: 64 bit 8 Cores 64G of memory | 16G | 16 | 24 | Base = 2G Top = 1.6G Debug = 400M |
2. Open a command or terminal window and move to the MashZoneNG-install/mashzone/tool/runtool folder.
3. Enter the appropriate command shown below based on your operating system:
For Windows, enter
upgradetool.bat -system preset-sizeUsing the size option you determined in step 1.
For Linux, OS/X or UNIX, enter
upgradetool.bat -system preset-sizeUsing the size option you determined in step 1.