Entire Net-Work Client is a Software AG product option that allows you to access Adabas databases across the network. This documentation is provided for administrators and users of Entire Net-Work Client.
This document is organized as follows:
Concepts | Provides a high-level description of Entire Net-Work Client. |
Understanding Partitioning | Describes how partitioning can be used in Entire Net-Work. |
Understanding Filtering | Describes how filtering can be used in Entire Net-Work. |
Release Notes | Describes enhancements made to this release of Entire Net-Work Client as well as migration consideration, maintenance plans and documentation for Entire Net-Work Client. |
Installing and Uninstalling Entire Net-Work Client | Describes the system requirements, configuration issues, and steps to perform to install and uninstall Entire Net-Work Client. |
Starting and Stopping Entire Net-Work Client | Describes how to start and stop Entire Net-Work Client. |
About the Adabas SystemManager |
Introduces you to the Adabas SystemManager and explains how to access it and leave it. |
Entire Net-Work Client Administration |
Describes management tasks for Entire Net-Work Client. |
Directing Log Files to a Shared Server | Describes the process of directing your Entire Net-Work log files to a shared server. |
Port Number Reference | Describes the ports that are needed by Entire Net-Work to perform its processing and how they can be assigned. |
Entire Net-Work Configuration Parameters | Lists the Entire Net-Work configuration parameters and describes batch and application program tools available for you to set them. |
Entire Net-Work Utility Functions for Directory Server (checkadi and setadi) | Describes how to use the Entire Net-Work checkadi and setadi utility functions to check for the existence of a Adabas Directory Server and to set Directory Server access parameters for Entire Net-Work and Entire Net-Work Client. |