com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nProtobufEventFactory Class Reference

This class is used to facilitate creation of nConsumeEvent objects. More...

#include <nProtobufEventFactory.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static nProtobufEventcreate (unsigned char *tag, int tagLength, unsigned char *data, int dataLength, longlong TTL, bool isPersistent)
 Creates an nProtobufEvent object based on the parameters supplied. More...

Detailed Description

This class is used to facilitate creation of nConsumeEvent objects.

Member Function Documentation

static nProtobufEvent* com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nProtobufEventFactory::create ( unsigned char *  tag,
int  tagLength,
unsigned char *  data,
int  dataLength,
longlong  TTL,
bool  isPersistent 

Creates an nProtobufEvent object based on the parameters supplied.

tagThe tag for this event as a unsigned char*
tagLengthThe length of the tag
dataThe serialized message as a unsigned char*
dataLengthThe length of the data
TTLthe Time To Live for this event
isPersistentflag to show whether the event is persistent of not
the newly created nProtobufEvent object