Mashables : Connect Information Sources as Mashables : Register Custom Database Mashables : Changing Column Names or Datatypes for Tables or Views
Changing Column Names or Datatypes for Tables or Views
Generally, you should not change the name or datatype information for columns. In rare cases, however, column datatypes may not be correctly mapped to JDBC datatypes or column names may use characters or keywords that Presto does not support.
If this occurs, you must register the mashable again and manually correct the name or datatype information for the affected column.
1. Select the table or view from the folder in the left pane.
2. Click Configure in the right pane.
The Configure Columns and Finders window opens.
3. If needed, click the Columns tab.
4. Select a column in the left pane.
5. Update the appropriate field for this column and click Save.
6. Click Close once you have removed all unnecessary columns.
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