Presto Administration : Presto Server Administration : Upgrade to New Versions of Presto and Migrate Artifacts : Upgrade from Presto 3.6.1 to 3.7
Upgrade from Presto 3.6.1 to 3.7
The 3.7 release includes changes to the schema for the Presto Repository to provide better support for international character sets and user locales. These schema changes are not backwards compatible with previous releases, but they are only required if you need the internationalization features add in this release.
Because of this, there are two options you may choose from in upgrading from 3.6.1 to 3.7:
*If you do not require the internationalization features, you can perform a minimal upgrade, using your existing Presto Repository.
*If internationalization features are required, you must create a new Presto Repository and migrate all existing artifacts and configuration to the new release.
The steps involved in each of these upgrade paths are shown in the following table:
Minimal Upgrade Without Internationalization
Major Upgrade With Internationalization
Follow the instructions for Upgrade to New Versions of Presto and Migrate Artifacts keeping these points in mind:
*Mashups that use RAQL may need manual updates because of syntax changes in this release. See Migrate Mashups That Use RAQL for 3.7 for instructions.
*The 3.7 release has added the Integrated MashZone Server and the Event Service that allow users to work with events from the Software AG Event Bus. To use these features, you must create a repository for MashZone and add configuration for both of these servers.
For instructions, see:
*Change the Presto base help URL to
1. Install Presto 3.7.
2. Complete the required post-installation steps for Presto including creating a new repository for Presto and the Integrated MashZone Server.
3. Complete any optional configuration needed. See What’s Next for links.
See Support International Character Sets and Locales for information on new configuration you may need for internationalization.
4. Migrate all artifacts from your existing Presto Repository to the new Presto Repository including any related extensions.
Contact your Software AG representative for assistance with this step.
5. Mashups that use RAQL may need manual updates because of syntax changes in this release. See Migrate Mashups That Use RAQL for 3.7 for instructions.
6. Change the Presto base help URL to
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