Presto Administration : Presto Server Administration : Upgrade to New Versions of Presto and Migrate Artifacts : Migrating Existing Apps from Presto 3.1.1 to 3.2
Migrating Existing Apps from Presto 3.1.1 to 3.2
Migrating to Presto 3.2 requires minor updates to existing apps from previous versions:
*Apps in version 3.2 have additional metadata in their App Specification that identifies what devices they are compatible with. Metadata tags for desktop compatibility must be added to all existing apps.
If any existing apps are also compatible with mobile phone or tablet devices, you can update metadata tags in their app Specifications manually after you have finished this migration step. .
*The index.html file for existing custom apps includes the Presto Library Loader library. The URL to this library has changed in Presto 3.2 and must be updated to allow these apps to work properly.
Once you have installed Presto 3.2, pointed this release to your existing Presto Repository, and successfully started the Presto Server, you can use an internal Presto API to update this URL in all your custom apps at once:
1. Login to Presto 3.2 as an administrator.
2. In the same browser, enter the following URL, with the appropriate server and port for your environment, to invoke this API:
The response should be empty (no errors shown).
This updates the appropriate URL in all custom apps and adds desktop compatibility tags to all apps in the Presto Repository for the Presto Server where you are logged in.
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