Views for Mashups and Mashables : Built-in Presto Views : Grid and KPIs View
Grid and KPIs View
Configure This View
Move or Remove Columns
Add Columns and Assign Values
Change Column Headings, Width and Text Formatting
Show As: Change the Column Format for Different Types Data
Number Formatter
Spark Charts, Bullet Graphs and Percentages
Use Templates to Combine Data, Add Literal Text or Add HTML Tags
Add Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Precedence for Column Settings and KPI Rules
The grid view displays repeating data in a table of any size for desktop and mobile devices. It provides a wide variety of formatting options for data from simple font changes to inline spark charts or KPI rules to display status indicators. It automatically paginates data.
In previous releases, this view did not wrap content into additional lines when the data was longer than the column width. In this release, the Grid View now wraps cell content.
You can use view configuration to:
*Add Columns and Assign Values or Move or Remove Columns.
*Change Column Headings, Width and Text Formatting.
*Apply many different formats to columns based on the type of data. See Show As: Change the Column Format for Different Types Data .
*Use Templates to Combine Data, Add Literal Text or Add HTML Tags or .
*Add Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to apply formatting based on conditions you define.
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