Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : The Presto Toolbar Add-On Configuration File
The Presto Toolbar Add-On Configuration File
Installing the Presto Toolbar for Excel adds a configuration file, the Presto Add-On for Excel configuration file, that keeps track of all the information needed to connect to the Presto Presto Servers that you import data from or export spreadsheets to. This file is located at either:
Windows XP or Windows Vista
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Application Data\PC4Excel\config.xml
Windows 7
C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\PC4Excel\config.xml
The configuration in this file is updated automatically. In rare cases, you may need to update this manually for connections that use HTTPS. See Configuring the Connection to Presto for details.
When you uninstall the Presto Toolbar for Excel you can choose to leave this file in place or allow it to be deleted. If you are uninstalling your current version of the Presto Toolbar for Excel in order to install a newer version, this allows you to keep your existing configuration information.
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