Presto Administration : Presto Security : Authentication and Guest Access : User Authentication
User Authentication
Presto is initially installed with a set of Default User Accounts that you can use to get started. You configure Presto to work with your LDAP Directory or you can continue to use the Default User Repository and simply add users and user groups to Presto. See Use the Default Presto User Repository, Manage Users and Manage User Groups for more information.
Authentication to verify user identities is performed against LDAP or the default User Repository and uses one of these protocols:
*Basic authentication with username and password
This is the default authentication mechanism. No additional configuration is needed.
*SSL and User Certificates
See Authentication with Digital Certificates/SSL for configuration instructions.
*A configurable Single Sign-On solution
See Authentication with Single Sign-On Solutions for configuration instructions.
Permission to work with apps and other Presto artifacts can also be granted to guests (unauthenticated users), if needed.
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