Presto Administration : Getting Started with the Presto Server : Use the Default Presto User Repository : Manage User Groups
Manage User Groups
Groups are used to grant permissions to users for specific actions in Presto. If you are using the default Presto User Repository, Presto administrators add and manage user groups in the Admin Console. If you have configured Presto to use your LDAP Directory as the User Repository, you define and manage user groups in your LDAP Directory.
User groups contain of a set of users. Groups also have one or more permissions assigned.
Built-in Prestogroups have a set of permissions predefined that allow users to work in the Presto Hub and the AppDepot with one exception: the permission to run mashable information sources, mashups and apps is assigned by user-defined groups. See Built-In Presto User Groups and Permissions for details.
Presto administrators and artifact owners automatically have permission to run all artifacts or the artifacts they own repsectively.
User-defined groups are groups that administrators add to Presto. These groups are used to grant run permissions to group members for the specific artifacts that the group has been added to. Presto administrators can also automatically grant run permissions to groups to run all apps, all mashups, all mashables or any combination. See Automatically Grant Run Permissions to Users and Groups for information.
1. If needed, open the Admin Console (click in the Presto Hub main menu).
2. Expand the Users and Groups tab and click Groups.
A list of groups displays. You can filter this list by entering part of a group name and clicking Search.
3. Click Add new user group and:
a. Enter a unique name in the Group field.
b. Click Add Group.
c. Add more groups or click Done to close this form.
4. To delete a user group, click Delete and confirm this.
Do not delete any of the built-in groups for Presto: Presto_Administrator, Presto_Developer, Presto_PowerUser, Presto_AuthenticatedUser or Presto_Guest.
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