Add Conditional Logic
You may also need templates or custom views to have conditional logic or handle different cases in the results. To add conditions, use these template statements:
{{if condition}}...{{/if}}: where the condition is any valid JavaScript condition. To check for the presence of a field in the results, use the path to that field as the condition.
{{else condition}}...{{/else}}: can be used within an if-statement. The condition is any valid JavaScript condition. To check for the presence of a field in the results, use the path to that field as the condition.
{{else}}...{{/else}}: can be used within an if-statement to provide a default behavior if none of the conditions are true.
To generate the path to a field as part of a condition
1. Place the cursor inside the if or else start-statement
2. Add a space after if or else.
3. Click on the field you want in the Data pane.
Insert the appropriate HTML and other template syntax within the start- and end-statements.
This example change the background color and text color based on the value of a field:
{{if PercentChange > 0}}
<div style="width: 90px;padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 5px;float: left;
background-color: #5ab000;color:#fff;">
{{else PercentChange < -3}}
<div style="width: 90px;padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 5px;float: left;
background-color: #c11;color:#fff;">
<div style="width: 90px;padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 5px;float: left;
background-color: #ff9;color:#333;">
If Syntax and
Else Syntax for more information on conditional statements in jQuery templates. See
Conditional Logic, No Repeating Items and Namespaces for a more detailed example.