Presto Administration : Presto Security
Presto Security
Change technical user password
Authentication and Guest Access
Default User Accounts
Authentication with Single Sign-On Solutions
Authentication with Digital Certificates/SSL
Authorization Policies and Permissions
Built-In Presto User Groups and Permissions
Automatically Grant Run Permissions to Users and Groups
Set View Permissions with a Search Filter
Enable or Disable Authorization
Presto provides control of user interactions to register or create mashable information sources, mashups and apps and secure access for all users to work with these artifacts based on policies that you define. Security is embodied in these layers:
*Change password: For reasons of security we strongly recommend that the Presto administrator should change the standard Presto password after installation. See Change technical user password.
*User Authentication: based on the protocols shown above. You can also allow anonymous access if needed. See Authentication and Guest Access for details.
*Authorization Policies: to determine the actions that users can perform with mashables, mashups and apps. Policies also determine user access to the features and tools in Presto Hub and the Presto Enterprise AppDepot. See Authorization Policies and Permissions for details.
*Security Profiles: that define the requirements for secure communication with mashable information sources.
Presto supports the well-known protocols shown above. Presto developers can also create custom security profiles to support mashable information sources with unique requirements. See Configure Secure Connections for Mashables for more information.
*Feature Security: to control any features in the Presto platform that have security implications, such as scripting access in mashups, or that may conflict with the security requirements of your organization. See Disable Mashup Features and Configure the Default Operations Generated for Database Mashable for more information.
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