Presto Administration : Presto Security : Set View Permissions with a Search Filter
Set View Permissions with a Search Filter
View permissions are defined in the built-in Presto groups that you assign to users. View permissions determine what artifacts appear in search results in Presto Hub and the AppDepot and the activity feed in the Presto Hub home page.
By default, any authenticated user can see any app in search results in the AppDepot. Users that have permission to work in the Presto Hub can also see any mashable, mashup or app in search results in Presto Hub.
With this default, users can find any artifact and can open the artifact page for any artifact, even if they are not permitted to use that artifact. If they do not have run permission for an artifact that they open, Presto displays an error message. Users must request run permissions for the artifact from a Presto administrator or the artifact’s owner.
This design encourages discovery and reuse of artifacts, leveraging existing assets throughout your organization. You can make the default view permissions more restrictive to allow search results to include only those artifacts that a user is permitted to run.
To set view filters
1. Click Admin Console in the Presto Hub main menu.
2. Expand the Security section and click Search Filters.
3. Change the filter as needed:
*Show all items: this is the default search filter that allows users to see any artifact in search results.
*Show only viewable items: this option is reserved for future use. Currently, it also includes all artifacts in search results.
*Show only executable items: set this option to limit search results to those artifacts that a user also has permission to run.
4. Click Save settings.
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